Created On
February 1, 2024

What To Do If Your Goods Are Damaged During Transport

What To Do If Your Goods Are Damaged During Transport

There is nothing worse than delivering damaged goods. This causes inconvenience to the retailer, who might have had a long wait only to get a damaged product. Plus, the negative impact it can have on your company’s reputation is something you do not want. At Aplessas Transport, we take every precaution to ensure we carry and transport goods carefully and responsibly. However, there can be unforeseen accidents that result in transportation damage.

On Receipt Of Transportation Damaged Goods

Always inspect your delivery as soon as you can, checking for any damage. Take note of the damage, take photos and immediately report it on transport documents. You must log any damage as soon as possible, as it may be required later. Two types of transportation damage tend to occur, Visible Damage and hidden damage.

Visible Transportation Damage

This type of damage can include:

  • Cartons torn or severely dented
  • Parts of the equipment protruding out of the packaging
  • Broken pallets
  • A fork from a forklift truck has penetrated the box on the pallet

What You Should Do

It is important to record every detail you can on the type of damage on the consignment notes and have the delivery driver co-sign this. If a driver refuses, please note this as well, as no driver signature is refusing to sign. If this delivery uses an electronic display unit, sign smaller and include the word ‘defective’, ensuring both are legible.If available, you should also use your company’s forms to record the delivery as damaged.If you are in any way unsure of what to do, you have the option of refusing the delivery. In this case, please inform the transportation company immediately. This is also essential when the driver refuses to return the delivery. Then, the transportation company should coordinate with you and organise the pick-up of the damaged-in-transit products.

Hidden Transportation Damage

This is where a delivery looks fine on inspection but on opening, the damage is discovered. It is necessary to forward photos and documentation to the transport company within 10-days. After this time, the company and insurers will assume the goods have been delivered intact.


Your relationship with your container haulage company is important, and you should know what they can offer you if damage to your goods occurs. All professional haulage companies should be insured and can provide you with evidence of that if required. For peace of mind, you could also chat with the haulage company about what extra insurance they could provide.Along with public liability, disability, legal and vehicle liability insurance, always check that the haulage company has Cargo Liability insurance. As these tend to be a blanket amount, it may be advisable to have a Freight insurance policy, especially when transporting fragile items or you do not have the time for claim processing with the cargo liability. You can also consider requesting a discount on future transportation if you remain with the same company, alongside the payment from their insurance.

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